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Vision Versus Reality

My vision of “bring your dog to work” day starts out with a smooth ride in (with no traffic), my puppy cheerfully, but with good manners, greets the guards and we walk… no we skip happily to my office where she lays quietly at my feet while I work. Ok Halt—now Reality…..

We sit in traffic on our way to work and the constant stop and go causes her morning breakfast to come up in the back seat where she nervously steps and then lays in it. We finally get to work where I thankfully have packed a few moist towelettes and give her a semi bath before we even leave the car. The traffic terrifies her as I drag her, then she drags me through the crosswalk finally to the other side. She refuses to go through the big front doors as they are scary so I pick her up; along with my handbag and bag of toys, food, towels, and doodie bags and stumble through the front entrance. We are greeted by co-workers and guards where she proceeds to urinate on the floor; luckily, I packed more towels.

We finally make it through the elevator ride and into my office where she starts to bark at the other dogs who are with their owners also enjoying the “bring your dog to work” day.

The events you just read are not true as I have played this day through my head over and over and each time, no matter how much I want this, the reality is still the reality and my puppy is just not ready for a “bring your dog to work” day. I wish she were, but she is not and I have to accept that. It may change in the future, I can do things to prepare for a change in the future, but she is just not ready now.

Imagine if I did not accept the reality of my puppy’s limitations, I would have had a mess and not only that, my poor pup would have been put under so much pressure that she is just not ready for. I could have even ruined her from ever going out with me again.

At one time or another we are all ready for something that the pieces have just not come together to make it a reality. We stress, we worry, we plan, we even sometimes cry with despair, but the truth is that it’s just not time and if we push, it almost definitely becomes a mess, not just for ourselves but for those around us as well. Knowing when to push and when to just accept can be a fine line; all we can do is be patient and compare our visions to what the reality is and Accept. Accept with a Mindful Spirit and move on. Our visions may or may not become reality, but if we accept and move on we won’t miss out on other opportunities and visions that do become realities. Enjoy your today, enjoy your dreams, but most importantly, enjoy and respect your realities.

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