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Mindful Acceptance

What to do when you are exactly where you want to be and a big piece starts to fall apart? If it’s under our control, obviously we do everything we can to keep the pieces from breaking, to keep life as status quo, to keep the “nice” together and be rid of the bad. But when it is not in our control how do we handle our fear, our disbelief, our heartbreak; how do we handle watching a train wreck when we clearly cannot move the train, or the cliff it is about to go over?

This is where I went back to read all of my previous blogs to find some stable ground and some peace. It was easy to write when everything was peaceful and where I wanted it, so easy to find peace without turmoil, so easy to see the good when the train was rolling through the countryside on the right track. This is where I learned Mindfulness, this is where I read, and wrote, and felt the peace. This is my foundation and is so necessary to have when pieces are falling apart. Now to put what I’ve learned into practice. Did I honestly believe that once everything was headed in the right direction that it would stay that way; maybe a little, but clearly I was slightly disillusioned; change is inevitable, some feels good and some does not.

My first article; A Different Perspective; yes, get out of my own preconceived sights and take a different perspective. Try to see things through my loved ones eyes and heart. Try and feel what they feel, think what they think, fear what they fear. This truly will help me understand and calm my own fears and not complicate theirs.

My second article… What Keeps You Going… ugggh, pushing through; I guess that’s a lesson I’ll have to keep applying, just keep pushing through and trust even when my fear overcomes me and my heartache disables me, just keep pushing through as every moment is new with hope and contains beauty. Find the beauty and hold onto the hope for dear life, this most definitely will help me keep moving forward even after a needed rest will overcome me; keep pushing forward with hope.

Third and fourth articles are regarding Mindful Intent and Kindness. I will Mindfully Intend to be Kind and understanding. Finally, something to look forward to; Kindness. I must have Mindful Intent to be Kind. Kind to myself and kind to my loved ones. Funny, just the thought of kindness lowers my blood pressure, my heart slows and my breathing returns to a restful state. Kindness not only is wonderful to the person receiving, but I feel the therapy it is providing me even as I type this. I believe this may be the most important piece I’ve learned thus far. Kindness…. Just had to type that again as it made me smile.

Fifth and Sixth articles, Restoring Balance and Changing of Seasons. Wow, did I subconsciously know that I would need to restore my balance after these life Seasons have changed? Not restoring the balance of color and culture this time, but restoring the balance of life and love. Call it fate, call it “The Universe Unfolding as it Should” call it whatever works, but I’m starting to see a reason for what I’ve written. Not swallowing my own words, but truly meditating on them as they are good words, they are great lessons to apply. Changing of the Seasons of Life is never easy when fighting them, in taking my own advice, I need to be like a tree and bend in the storms. I’ve been able to plant my roots deep and wide so I will trust that they will hold me upright, I will bend through the changes so that when it is over, I will be able to provide shade and protection and stability to my loved ones. I will be a tree. Already my strength and trust are returning. I thought I couldn’t do anything about these changes, and I still cannot change the course of life’s train, but what I can do is prepare myself to help those I love through the changes and after. Yes, a tree is a great example of patience and strength, and silence. Oh that golden silence just what I need to practice.

Finally, A Mindful Understanding. Maybe I need to see this change in black and white so that the passion and fear are not clouding my perception, so that the bold colors of fear are not overpowering my ability to be Kind and Compassionate and Understanding. Yes, let me see the black and white so that all the shades of my loved ones choices are visible to me as well. Help me to see their vision and help me to be Understanding and Kind to them and as necessary, Kind to myself.

This article is a bit longer than expected, but sometimes lifes’ lessons cannot be put into a neat paragraph or two and I’ve obviously needed to recap all of my previous articles to get to this one. I do believe there are paths in life that we understand and paths in life that we do not understand. This is one that I do not understand, but I’m searching for Mindful Acceptance, hmmmmm sounds like a good title for this article. I cannot change the direction of the train nor can I slow it down, I can only change my own attitudes and acceptance; it is a practiced way of being for sure. Thank you for reading, Namaste my friends.

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