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Restoring Balance

When envisioning balance, do you think of level, steadiness, and stability? If our balance is off, then obviously, we stumble and possibly fall. In order to regain our balanced, we recompose, find our center; distribute ourselves evenly, equally, and mindfully. We eat healthy, we exercise, we meditate… We restore our balance because without balance, we are uncomfortable; it is not our natural state.

But what if we envision balance as fairness, justice, impartiality, and equal opportunity; if the balance is off, are we just as uncomfortable, does this feel just as unnatural? Unfortunately no, because the imbalance HAS become our natural state and restoring this balance IS the uncomfortable part. However, fairness, justice, impartiality, and equal opportunity must be restored; no matter how uncomfortable, in order to live a healthy existence.

When these factors are out of balance, eating healthy, exercising, and meditating alone will not restore the balance, it takes the whole of the imbalanced to bring back the stability. What can you do to restore balance; is it even possible?

I believe it is possible. Begin with mindful intent; refuse to see only color, only economic status, only gender; refuse to see only religious beliefs, only education status. It is possible to know people as individuals. Reach out to learn who others are; what they know; what they feel. In doing so, we cannot help but be enlighten by the human connection. We cannot help, but to enlighten others. Through this enlightenment and sharing of understanding, acceptance, and love, the balance of equality can be restored. I ask that each of us refuse to be complacent in the imbalance of equality and seek the enlightenment which will balance us all. ~~Thank You.

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